First published in 1985. In the mid-seventies, there was growing concern that early decisions not to study mathematics in high school might be limiting the occupational options available to women. As part of a larger program on career development, the Career Awareness Division of the Education and Work Group, then one of the major organizational units of the National Institute of Education (NIE), initiated a special research grants program on women and mathematics. Research information that would sort out the competing explanations for women's lower rate of participation seemed a useful contribution to debates about possible remedial actions. Should there be, for example, widespread development and implementation of programs designed to reduce mathematics anxiety? This volume represents the culmination of a research program with many contributions.
"This resource is probably the most extensive single volume on the participation of women in mathematics.... should become a part of the library of every school and college concerned with mathematics education."—Mathematics Teacher"Each chapter is well informative...a classic and unique work in mathematics education and it is indispensible to anyone having a serious interest in mathematics education."—Mathematics Abstracts"...essential for researchers....of substantial value to those developing, evaluating, and using programs to increase the participation of females in this area and to those wishing to reverse the decline in enrollment in mathematics courses recently documented for all students."—Contemporary Psychology