Drugs and the workplace just don't mix. Yes, most users of illicit drugs are employed adults and there's a high correlation between levels of stress, income and alcohol abuse amongst professional and managerial employees. But the risks associated with drug use and abuse in the workplace have been well defined. Addiction at Work enables you to understand the background and extent of the problem: the cost of drug abuse to your organization; the role your own organizational culture may have in encouraging drug misuse; the risks associated with dangerous or stressful jobs. There are also chapters to help you understand the symptoms of drug abuse and the potential risks associated with perfectly legal prescription or over-the-counter medicines. The right kind of drug policy can be a significant weapon to fight this problem. So Addiction at Work explores your responsibility as an employer and how to design, communicate and implement a policy that is appropriate for your organization. Finally, there are chapters on the tools and techniques open to your organization for tackling the problem head on; ways of addressing problem behaviours; the advantages and disadvantages of drug screening and the ethics associated with this practice; employee assistance programmes and specialist care and, finally, the employment law issues around drugs. Addiction at Work has been written by some of the world-authorities on drug use in the workplace. It is an essential reference for organizations seeking a way through the human, ethical and legal issues (and the risk they present to any employer) of a social problem that is increasingly impacting employees whatever their work or the nature of their workplace.
Most of the contributors to these 17 chapters are from the UK, but the problem of substance abuse in the workplace is global and, as the foreword writer notes, abusers do not conform to any stereotype. Ghodse (psychiatry and international drug policy, U. of London) introduces the scope of the problem, employer responsibilities, and management tools
'An easy and engrossing book to read and to ponder upon. It raises a shocking awareness of the speed and severity of the invasion of the workplace by drugs, the human hazards and ultimately global threat to life and health, in addition to the loss in efficiency, productivity and profit. This book deserves reading and re-reading for it's wealth of observation, patient study and assessment of more human tragedy and workplace disaster to come if urgent research and prevention measures are not taken'. The ROSPA Occupational Safety and Health Journal. Jan. 2006 'At a policy level, with HSA now consulting with the social partners on drafting drug testing regulations, anyone involved in the consultation process should read this book. ...all those in the workplace who will find themselves having to advise on the provisions of the SHWW Act 2005, relating to not being under the influence and the proposed regulations, will be better informed and able to handle the issues arising if they have read this book.' Health and Safety Review 'Addiction at Work is billed as an "essential reference for organisations seeking a way through the human, ethical and legal issues" surrounding these problems. It pretty much lives up to this claim.' Health And Safety at Work. Jan 2006 '...I found much of the book of interest, and several articles are of very real help in providing extremely useful and usable information that the workplace controller or policy producer should be aware of and take into consideration when formulating and applying any substance misuse policy and management programme. The articles on the general physiological effects of a whole range of substances, and workplace testing, in particular, would be very helpful in formulating any substance management programme, especailly with regard to the legally acquired and used substances. Overall, because of the general content and presentation, this is a book for the specialists rather than the workplace controller.' SHP - Safety & Health Practitioner.