The globally-sourced guide to the latest IFRS, with practical application advice
Wiley IFRS 2015 is a complete guide to the latest International Financial Reporting Standards set forth by the International Accounting Standards Board. Written by an international team of experts in global accounting standards, this guide provides detailed information on the latest changes to the IFRS, with comprehensive coverage of IFRIC interpretations and the tools needed to maintain IFRS-compliance. Readers will find clear, concise explanations delineated by topic for easy navigation, designed for both quick reference in-depth study, with practical advice for implementing IFRS in real-life scenarios.
The goal of the IASB is to achieve global convergence of accounting standards, reducing preparation costs and facilitating the assessment of business outcomes. The IFRS are a key part of the strategy, simplifying reporting for multinational corporations and the analysts and investors tasked with evaluating results. Wiley IFRS 2015 details the most recent changes to the standards, with expert guidance toward implementation. Readers will:
* Grasp the underlying framework of the International Financial Reporting Standards
* Understand how to interpret the standards and apply them in the real world
* Follow the Disclosure Checklist to verify completeness and IFRS compliance
* Learn from the experts when implementing IFRS for the first time
More and more countries are either adopting IFRS or adapting local standards to align with those set by the IASB. The standards change annually, and failure to stay up to date can affect business strategy and outcomes, especially when working internationally. Wiley IFRS 2015 provides the latest information and expert guidance, helping practitioners match IFRS to real-world practice.
Your indispensable Guide to IFRS(r) compliance
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS(r)) have received increased attention since such signal events as endorsements by the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) in 2000, by the European Union in 2002 (mandating universal adoption by publicly held companies in 2005), and by the SEC (waiving reconciliation requirements for foreign private issuers using IFRS(r) starting in 2007).
With further refinements to IFRS(r) by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) resulting in changes on a yearly basis, and given the now virtually unstoppable momentum worldwide to adopt (or, in some cases, adapt) IFRS(r), mastery of this knowledge is a necessity for all preparers of financial statements.
Wiley IFRS(r) 2015 provides a complete and up-to-date explanation of all IFRS(r) requirements, coupled with examples of how to apply the rules in complex, real-world situations. It can be used to train accounting staff, and to serve as a reference guide during the implementation of IFRS(r) and preparation of IFRS(r)-based financial statements. Wiley IFRS(r) 2015 is equally valuable for preparers, auditors, and users of financial reports.
Key concepts are illustrated throughout, using worked examples and selections from actual published financial statements. Also included are a comprehensive disclosure checklist and integrated discussions of major ongoing IASB projects that may have significant impact on readers' responsibilities over the coming year.
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