Questions cover all aspects of feline medicine: dermatology, ophthalmology, urinary tract, oral cavity/oesophagus, GI tract, endocrinology, cardiology, respiratory disease, infectious disease, reproductive disease, neuro-muscular disease, musculoskeletal disease, haemolymphatic, metabolic diseases, oncology, and therapeutics/toxicology.
In this new volume, part of the Veterinary Self-Assessment Colour Review series, the authors aim to cover all aspects of feline medicine. Questions cover areas such as dermatology, ophthalmology, urinary tract, oral cavity/oesophagus, GI tract, endocrinology, cardiology, respiratory disease, infectious disease, reproductive disease, neuro-muscular disease, musculoskeletal disease, haemolymphatic, metabolic diseases, oncology, and therapeutics/toxicology. There is also additional material on equipment and procedures.
A valuable addition to any small animal practice library?highly recommended.-The Veterinary Record